Below is a list of items that you may wish to consider purchasing, renting, or borrowing prior to your reconstruction surgery. Larger items are usually available to hire from your local mobility aid / equipment shop.
Please speak to your plastics specialist nurse, physiotherapist or the ward occupational therapist if you have any concerns regarding managing at home following your surgery.
V-shaped Pillow – available on Amazon (approx. cost £10-20)

During your hospital stay, your bed is positioned to keep your knees flexed and your back slightly upright. This helps to reduce tension to your abdomen. Make sure you have lots of pillows available to position yourself at home.
NB – make sure your bed is set up so that you’re getting in and out of bed on the unaffected side (so if your surgery was on your right side you need to plan to get out of bed on the left). If you’re having surgery on both sides, you want to choose the side that has had either the least number of lymph nodes removed (if you’re an immediate reconstruction) or the side that is your dominant side.
Bed Lever – available on Amazon or Local Mobility Aid / Equipment shop (approx. cost £35)

A bed lever fits under your mattress and will help you get in and out of bed using your unaffected side. It will also reduce the strain on your tummy muscles post-surgery. You do not need to buy/rent these before your surgery as these can be prescribed by the Occupational Therapist on the ward, if they deem it necessary for when you return home.
Toilet frame – available on Amazon or Local Mobility Aid / Equipment shop (approx. cost £50-60)

A toilet frame can come with or without a toilet seat raise. It will help you get on and off the toilet more easily, reducing the strain on your tummy wound. You do not need to buy/rent these before your surgery as these can be prescribed by the Occupational Therapist on the ward, if they deem it necessary for when you return home.
Long-handled shoehorn – available on Amazon (approx.. cost £5-10)
Sock aid – available on Amazon (approx.. cost £5-10)

Long-handled sponge – available on Amazon (approx.. cost £5-10)